A List of female sahabi (sahabiyat) with full names in Arabic & English and meanings. We compiled it in Arabic so how it is pronounce in Arabic so that it wouldn't change the meaning of the name.
1.UmniyahWish, Hopeامنيه
3.Sonbol , SonbolahEar of wheatسنبل , سنبله
4.SakinaSource of peaceسكينه
5.Safaa, MarwaPlaces in Makkahصفا و مروه
8.HaleemahPatient, Forebeaingحليمه
9.HanifahA woman who is truly devoted to Allahحنيفه
10.HamdaNobal, Praiseworthyحامده
11.Aamina Bint e RuqaishHonest, Faithfulآمنه بنت رقيش
12.Aanisa bint-e-AdiPleasant Companionآنسا بنت عدى
13.Asma bint e Abu BakarWife of Prophet (PBUH)اسما بنت ابو بكر
14.Ayesha Al-SiddiqaWife of Prophet (PBUH)عايشه الصديقه
15.Barirah Bint e MuhammadFaithfulبريره بنت محمد
16.Fatima Al-ZahraOne Who Abstainsفاطمة الزهره
18.Fukaiha Bint-e-Yasarbint yasarفكيهه بنت ياسر
19.Habibah Bint-e-AbdullahBelovedحبيبه بنت عبدالله
20.Hafsa Bint-e-UmarWife of the Prophet Muhammad.حفصه بنت عمر
21.HamamahThis was the name of a slaveحمامه
22.HasanahA beautiful womanحسنه
23.Haula Bint-e-TuwaitIntelligentحولا بنت طويت
24.Hauva Bint-e-YazeedLivingحوا بنت يزيد
25.Hind Bint-e-UtbaBack, Rearهند بنت عتبه
26.Jamanah Bint-e-Abi TalibA silver pearlجمانه بنت ابى طالب
27.Jamila Bint-e-SaadBeautifulجميله بنت سعد
28.Juwairiah Bint-e-HarisLittel Girlجويريه بنت حارث
29.Khadijatul KubraFirst wife of the Prophet SAWخديجه الكبرى
30.Khalidah Bint-e-HarisImmortal. Deathless.خالده بنت حارث
31.Khansa Bint-e-AmrFamous Arabic Poetessخنسا بنت امر
32.Khaulah Bint-e-HakamGazelleخوله بنت حاكم
33.Lubana Bint-e-SawarWish, Desireلبنه بنت سوار
34.Maimunah Bint-e-HarisBenefit, Blessingsميمونه بنت حارث
35.Mariya QibtiaOne who is pureماريه قبطيه
36.Mulaikah Bint-e-Malikangelمليكه بنت مالك
37.Raihanah Bint-e-ShamoonAromatic, Sweet basilريحانه بنت شمعون
38.Ruqayyah Bint-e-MuhammadRise,Ascentرقيه بنت محمد
39.Safiyyah Bint-e-HaeeLion's share, Pure, Best friendصفيه بنت هاى
40.Salamah Bint-e-HurrSweethearسلمه بنت حر
41.Salma Bint-e-Umaissweethearسلمه بنت عميص
42.Saudah Bint-e-ZamaBlessed With Good Fortuneسعوده بنت ذمة
43.Suhailah Bint-e-MasoodGentle, Easyصهيله بنت مسعود
44.Sumayyah Bint-e-Khayyatuniqueسميه بنت خياط
45.Tayyiba Bint-e-WahabGood, Pureطيبه بنت وهاب
46.Um-e-Ammarah Bint-e-Nasiba Bint-e-KaabPunctual, Obedientام اماره بنت نسيبه بنت كعب
47.Um-e-Habibah Bint-e-Abi SufianLovedام حبيبه بنت ابى سفيان
48.Um-e-Hani Bint-e-Abi TalibSweet Mouthام هانى بنت ابى طالب
49.Um-e-Kulsoom Bint-e-MuhammadDaughter of Ahmad bin Ali al-Asiwatiyahام كلثوم بنت محمد
50.Um-e-RalahBowing, Homage, Worship, Prayer.ام رلة
51.Um-e-Rooman Bint-e-AmirRelated to Romeام رومان بنت عامر
52.Um-e-Salam Bint-e-Abi UmayyahPeaceام سلام بنت ابى اميه
53.Ummul Khair Bint-e-SakhrGood, Bestام الخير بنت سخر
54.Zainab Bint-e-KhuzaimahAn Ornamented Treeزينب بنت خزيمه
55.BusrahDaughter of Safwan bin Nawfalبسرعه
56.FariahBeautiful, kind and lovingفريح
57.FeerozahA precious stone Daughter of al-Mazfarفيروزه
58.GhumaysaHer Kuniyah was Umm Sulaymغميسه
59.HababahA daughter of Ajlanحبابه
60.HajrahThe wife of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)هجره
61.HazimahSteadfast, Firmهزيمه
62.HukaymahShe was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah (R.A)حكيمه
63.HumairahOf reddish complexionحميره
64.JahdamahShe was a companion of the Prophet SAWجهدمه
65.JudiName of a mountain mentioned in the Quranجودى
66.JumaymahName of a women companionجميمه
67.KadshahShe was a companionقادشه
68.SarrinahBeautiful, companion of prophet SAWزرناه
69.SawdahA wife of the Prophetسوده
70.ThubaytahDaughter of Yaar bin Zayd al-Ansariyahثبيته
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